Catarina Lins

Catarina Lins was born in 1990, in Florianópolis, Brazil. She has published the books Músculo (Rio de Janeiro, 7Letras, 2015), Parvo Orifício (Rio de Janeiro, Editorial Garupa, 2016), Na capital sul-americana do porco light (Rio de Janeiro, 7Letras, 2018) and O teatro do mundo (Rio de Janeiro, 7Letras, 2017), which was a finalist for the Jabuti Prize in Poetry 2018, and was translated into Spanish as El teatro del mundo in 2019 (Buenos Aires, Zindo&Gafuri, 2019). Lins was recently featured in the anthology As 29 poetas hoje (29 poets today), organized by Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda and published by Companhia das Letras in 2021. Her work has been translated into English by Daniel Persia and Grace Holleran, and published in journals such as Exchanges: Journal of Literary Translation of the University of Iowa. Lins is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Princeton University, where she studies the work of Brazilian poet Ana Cristina Cesar from the intersection of queer and sound studies.