
[ P O E T R Y ]



[cries, cries, and cries with the wonder ringing]


cries, cries, and cries with the wonder ringing 
but what about this
pinched from a bigger self of

yesterday we were this 
today we are that 


intention meets
our own delinquency 


the way one thing loading
and reloading

sends us backward
sends us backward
sends us backward


Douglas Piccinnini is the author of Blood Oboe (Omnidawn) and Story Book: a novella (The Cultural Society) as well as several chapbooks, including Victoria (Bloof) and A Western Sky (Greying Ghost). New writing has appeared or is forthcoming in American Poetry Review, Brooklyn Rail, The Champagne Room, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Dreginald, Fence, Hot Pink, Lana Turner, Michigan Quarterly Review, Mercury Firs, NEW, Opt West, Prelude, Tupelo Quarterly, and Volt. 

Douglas Piccinnini