Maxwell Rabb


Maxwell Rabb



Of Splinters, and a Clean Carpet

and an absonant flute curves incoherent Summers,

high mass tones whistling pitohui 
 steel grates     muddy rundown pivots to echo tunnels

a dense liquid clogging the doorways

and to lattice walk the swamp,
 my legs wrapped by roots—

i am far above the floor

steel pillars     oil fires over the shallow water 
as a toxin disposed by digestion

withered fern 
nightjar above into the gutter

hammerless walls hoisted above vibrating bedrock—

and this humidity is ruining dinner— 


Maxwell Rabb is the author of the chapbook Faster, the Whirl Wheel (Greying Ghost, forthcoming 2023). He lives in Chicago, leaving his heart in New Orleans and Atlanta. His poems have appeared in the Action Books Blog, Sleeping Fish, GASHER, and ctrl+v, among others. He is currently an M.F.A. candidate at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.