Cate Peebles


Cate Peebles


No Wake

When the canoe prow rips
blanched cypress in half 

white spruce branches
split and sink inside

through ripples where there
was no tree in the first place—

a silver skeleton deleted
from the creek’s code, numb heat

smooths over the glitch. I’m
reaching the underworld

with an oar in order to say
what’s twisted the slick rendition

of sky pasted flat with motor oil
against the surface. Time is on the fritz.

Not even the dead swarm here—
a species of insatiable thick grass

dips just into the waterskin that moves
my body faintly away

from where it started. Listen
a minute for dogs and engines—

live another life without knowing
the stream ends—the glisten

of a copperhead’s nuzzle
against the sun’s red thigh


Cate Peebles is the author of THICKET (winner of the Besmilr Brigham Award from Lost Roads Press, 2018) and several chapbooks, including THE WOODLANDS (Sixth Finch Books, 2016) and JAMES (dancing girl press, 2014). Recent work has appeared in The American Poetry Review, South Dakota Review, DIAGRAM, Poetry Northwest, Sixth Finch, Harp & Altar, Paperbag, and elsewhere; her poems are forthcoming in Bennington Review, Washington Square Review, and Ploughshares. She co-edits the occasional online poetry, magazine, Fou, and lives in New Orleans.